Now that we have our site being authenticated we need to
create the rest of the login process for our new users. When our users are logged in the first time
we want to send them to the login page so that we can collect some additional
customer information about them. We
will use the id that is passed back to us by Facebook to lookup our new user in
the database we are going to create.
If we don’t find the Id we will redirect our user to the new login
Our first step will be to layout our database. We have a lot options for databases that can
be hosted in the cloud. On one end of
the spectrum we could create a VM to host our database. This would require us to manage the VM as
well as the database. We would also need
to setup the storage and manage backups directly. This gives a fine level of control over the
environment. The downside of this
approach is that you have taken many limits of on prem implementations with you
into the cloud. This implementation
requires your database management team to patch servers, manage uptime and plan
for scalability.
On the other end of the spectrum are cloud native databases.
They abstract away many aspects of database management and limit our control
over the environment the tradeoff is that we don’t have to dedicate resources
to maintenance and since our uptime is guaranteed we can focus other higher
value tasks for the company. Additionally, cloud native databases can be
scaled on demand.
Because our application is cloud native we will use a cloud
native database. Azure Sql is Microsoft’s
recommended cloud native SQL database. It’s
is intended to handle most database workloads.
There may be specific high demand applications that require access to
sql server internals that would not be a good fit for Azure Sql, but these applications would be rare. In those cases it would be best to either
leave the database on prem or create a VM in the cloud to host the
database. You can read a good summary
of Azure SQL here
Some key advantages to using Azure SQL is that developers
can utilize database tools with which they are already familiar. We can use SQL Server Management Studio to
work with our SQL Server Database. There are a few minor setup steps to enable
your SSMS to talk to azure you can find the steps here .
Once we are authenticated we can work on our database from
within SSMS.
Let’s briefly go
through the process of setting up a new database in the Azure Portal. Below is an image of the create database
dialog as seen in the azure portal. The
creation process is similar to other resource creation processes in Azure. The
first significant item to address is the selection of a resource group to manage your database. Remember that resource groups are not just to
group resources but also define security around a group of resources. For this reason consider how you want to
allow access to your db as you lay out your resource groups.
The next setup item
is the size of the server. In order to
determine the size of the server you need review DTU documentation here.
DTU’s are unique to azure. They are a measure of overall performance
capalities. DTUs are based on a blended measure of CPU, memory, reads,
and writes. As DTUs increase, the power offered by the performance level
increases. You can find a useful DTU calculator here . The calculator is only a starting point to
give you a rough idea of your DTU requirements.
You will need to fine tune your DTU settings once the db is under load. As expected Microsoft gives you several tools
to measure the performance of your db.
I recommend adding appropriate tags for your resource. Tags are a useful tool for managing your
resource. For more on tags see my earlier
Once we are done entering create your database and
server. Next we will setup SSMS to
work with our cloud database. We will
then be ready to layout our initial tables and setup our db access.
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